Depression is not just about feeling sad

Sadness is a core feature of depression. Individuals with depression experience a very severe level of sadness. Unlike sadness, depression is also highly impairing and is likely to affect every aspect of a person’s life, including social relationships, work and physical health. What’s more, the effects of depression reach way beyond sadness. Sadness is only one of the symptoms of depression . Depression may manifest in some individuals as irritability or anger, and someone’s constellation of symptoms may depend on their age, gender, and other factors.

Sadness is often a normal and healthy reaction to a negative event. Depression has a complex set of causes, involving genetic and environment risk factors and the interplay between them. Depression may be reinforced by a negative experience of a seemingly neutral event. Sadness usually passes with time. If it does not pass, or if the person becomes unable to resume normal function, this could be a sign of depression.


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