Depression: Fighting the Darkness


In a country like India, mental health and related illnesses are often still stigmatized and ignored  greatly due to the lack of awareness and exposure. In fact, taking counseling or psychiatric help is commonly looked down upon leading to people either neglecting this much-needed therapy or doing it secretively. Depression  can affect everything you do in your daily life. It is not something you can quickly recover from, like a cold or a cough. Depression is one extreme to another, you're either so high with happiness or so down that you doubt the world will have colour again. People who are depressed becomes more lazy and they stop liking all those activities or things which they used to like it. Symptoms include depressed mood, feeling “numb,” loss of interest in normal activities, trouble eating and sleeping, decreased energy and decreased self-esteem. 

Depression is not fun, it's not a game, and it's not a quirk to add to your personality because you think it's cool. Depression is serious and ugly and affects so many people. Depression doesn't just disappear, you don't suddenly wake up and decide not to feel hopeless. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be weak. You're not bulletproof, you're human. You can get hurt sometimes . Feel the emptiness. Figure it out . Grieve. Cry your heart. Stop pretending. Unmask yourself. Breakdown if you are tired. Break. With time, you will be healed.


  1. Totally agree with u Tanisha.. Explain very well

  2. I am also agree with you Tanisha,Yr this blog is absolutely fit and appropriate with the modern life style and its after effect and it's a result of great research and education.Appreciating yr report I want to share my own experience when i was unemployed and a job seeker,I was fretful and worried about our future.And after get employment i am still feeling worries and anxieties to the future secured planning.So this anxieties is causing the severe diseases whatever you have been mentioned. Thanks

  3. So much of truth is there in this content.Beautifully explained


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